Trafford, Alabama Building Codes

Updated : 04/22/2024


Trafford, AL did not formally adopt their own building code. Building code enforcement likely falls within the jurisdiction of Jefferson County, AL. Link to Trafford County, AL Building Codes.

Helpful resources for Trafford, Alabama include the following.

Residential Building Code

Alabama adopted a model state residential code but it is not in force unless adopted locally.See PLRB, Alabama Building Codes for more information on state level codes.

Trafford adopted a code that is yet to be identified .Please contact PLRB if you would like us to research this for you.

Auto Search - beta:

No results were located with the automated search.

Drip Edge

Drip Edge: Undetermined

Ice Barrier

Commercial Building Code

Trafford adopted a code that is yet to be identified .Please contact PLRB if you would like us to research this for you.

Auto Search - beta:

No results were located with the automated search.