Racine, Wisconsin Building Codes

Updated : 04/22/2024


The city of Racine, Wi. adopted the Uniform Dwelling Code, SPS chs. 320–325. Racine, Wi. Mun. Code § 18-31 (accessed 4/6/2015). The city also expressly adopted the Wisconsin Commercial Building Code, SPS chs. 361–366. Id§ 18-30 (accessed 4/6/2015).


The city also enforces the fire code adopted by the state of Wisconsin Fire Code,  the 2012 (NFPA 1) Fire Code with modifications. Wis. Adm. Code § SPS 314.001(1)(a), (b) (Adoption and applications of model fire code) (accessed 3/27/2015). Racine, Wi. Mun. Code § 50-86 (accessed 4/6/2015).


Racine also adopted the Wisconsin Historical Code. Racine, Wi. Mun. Code § 18-32 (accessed 4/6/2015).

Helpful resources for Racine, Wisconsin include the following.

Residential Building Code

Wisconsin adopted a statewide mandatory residential code that will control. Authority for local amendments will be limited.See PLRB, Wisconsin Building Codes for more information on state level codes.

Racine adopted the Wisconsin Uniform Residential CodeYou can find a copy of the code here.You can find information about amendments to the model code here.

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Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code(Racine, WI ARTICLE II. - BUILDING CODE)

...Cross reference— Sign regulations in the zoning districts, § 114-1026 et seq. State Law reference— One- and two-family dwelling code, Wis. Stats. § 101.60 et seq.; manufactured building code, Wis. Stats. § 101.70 et seq....

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The city of Racine, Wi. adopted the Uniform Dwelling Code, SPS chs. 320–325. Racine, Wi. Mun. Code § 18-31 (accessed 4/6/2015). The city also expressly adopted the Wisconsin Commercial Building Code, SPS chs. 361–366. Id§ 18-30 (accessed 4/6/2015).

Existing Buildings

Existing buildings, meaning buildings that were built in accordance to code at the time of construction, typically merit extra consideration in a current updated code.

The Wisconsin code is a statewide code that applies to new construction, additions and alterations for buildings constructed after 1980. Wis. Adm. Code § SPS 320.04 (Applications) (accessed 7/9/2014).  The adoption of the Wisconsin state code applies to "all one and two family dwellings and alterations and additions." Racine, Wi. Mun. Code § 18-31 (accessed 4/6/2015).


Further applicability to existing buildings is outlined in the Racine Code, for example:

This article shall apply to the following buildings and conditions:

(1) An existing building to be occupied as a one or two family building, which building was not previously so occupied.

(2) An existing structure that is altered or repaired, when the cost of such alterations or repairs during the life of the structure exceed 50 percent of the equalized value of the structure, such value to be determined by the city assessor.

(3) Additions and alterations, regardless of cost, made to an existing building when deemed necessary in the opinion of the chief building inspector shall comply with the requirements of this article for new buildings. The provisions of subsection (4) of this section shall also apply.

(4) Roof coverings. Whenever more than 25 percent of the roof covering of a dwelling is replaced in any 12-month period, all roof coverings shall be in conformity with applicable sections of this article.

Racine, Wi. Mun. Code § 18-36 (accessed 4/6/2015).


Alterationas and repairs are very specificly addressed.

The following provisions shall apply to buildings altered or repaired:

(1) Alterations. When not in conflict with any regulations, alterations to any existing building or structure, accommodating a legal occupancy and use but of nonconforming type of construction, which involves either the structural members of floors or roofs, beams, girders, columns, bearings, or other walls, rooms, heating and air conditioning systems, arrangement, light and ventilation, changes in location of exit stairways or exits, or any or all of the above, then such existing construction shall be made to conform to the minimum requirements of this article applicable to such occupancy and use and given type of construction.

(2)  Repairs. Repairs for purposes of maintenance, or replacements in any existing building or structure which do not involve the structural portions of the building or structure, or which do not effect room arrangement, light and ventilation, access to or efficiency of any exit stairways or exits, fire protection, or exterior aesthetic appearance and which do not increase a given occupancy and use, shall be deemed minor repairs.

(3)  Alterations when not permitted. When any existing building or structure, which for any reason whatsoever does not conform to the regulations of this article, has deteriorated from any cause whatsoever to an extent greater than 50 percent of the equalized value of the building or structure, no alterations or moving of such building or structure shall be permitted. Any such building or structure shall be considered a menace to public safety and welfare and shall be ordered vacated and thereafter demolished and debris removed from the premises.

(4) Alterations and repairs required.

a.  When any of the structural, exterior, roofing or masonry components of an existing building or structure have deteriorated from any cause whatsoever to less than their required strength, the owner of such building or structure shall repair or restore such components to their required strength in compliance with this article.

b.  Upon receipt of information that a building or structure is in need of repair under this subsection, the chief building inspector shall make an inspection, and if it is found that such repair is needed, he shall serve on the owner, or one of the owner's lessees, agents, administrators or executives, a written notice containing a description of the building, a statement of needed repairs, and an order requiring the same to be repaired as the chief building inspector deems necessary.

c.  The owner or person upon whom such notice was served shall cause such repairs to be made within the time stated in the notice. Failure to comply with such notice and order shall be a violation of this subsection.

(5)  Extent of deterioration. The amount and extent of deterioration of any existing building or structure shall be determined by the chief building inspector.

(6)  Use of unsanitary building. It shall be unlawful to occupy or use or permit the occupancy or use of any building or structure that is unsanitary or dilapidated, or deteriorated, or out of repair, thereby being unfit for human habitation, occupancy or use, until the regulations of this article have been complied with.

Racine, Wi. Mun. Code § 18-37 (accessed 4/6/2015).


Commercial Building Code

Racine adopted the 1996 BOCA National Building CodeYou can find a copy of the code here.You can find information about amendments to the model code here.

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Wisconsin Commercial Bldg. Code (2015 IBC)(Racine, WI Municipal Code)

...Adoption not found...


The city of Racine, Wi. adopted the Wisconsin Commercial Building Code, SPS chs. 361–366. Racine, Wi. Mun. Code § 18-30 (accessed 4/6/2015). The statewide code includes the 2009 ICC codes (IBC, IEBC, IFGC, IECC, and IMC).


The city of Racine, Wi. provides certain grandfathered ordinances (variances to the CBC). An ordinance that is grandfathered has passed the requirements laid out by the Legislature in Wisconsin Statute §101.02(7r)(b). The grandfathered ordinances are listed below:


Sec. 50-48. – Order to install appliances.

The fire chief or officers of the bureau of fire prevention shall survey inspectable buildings and order required fire appliances to be installed.


Sec. 50-393. – Where required; compliance.

(a) All hood and duct systems shall be equipped with approved automatic fire extinguishing systems designed for both manual and automatic operation.

(b) All hood and duct systems shall comply with the requirements of this division and NFPA 96.


Sec. 50-408. – Where required.

New buildings or facilities shall have an approved automatic sprinkler system, standpipe system, and suitable access to supplementary water supply installed and maintained as required by Wisconsin Administrative Code, Comm 1-70, or at any time that the bureau of fire prevention determines that, based on the standards of the NFPA, a building or facility constitutes a fire hazard.


Sec. 50-409. – Application to existing buildings or facilities; appeals.

(a) Where the bureau of fire prevention finds that an existing building or facility constitutes a fire hazard to occupants of the building or facility or to adjoining property as a result of size, occupancy or change of occupancy, compliance with the provisions of this division may be required.


(PDF version here)

Existing Buildings

The 2009 IEBC is made part of the Commercial Building Code, subject to the modifications specified in the Wis. Adm. Code § SPS 366. Racine, Wi. Mun. Code § 18-30 (accessed 4/6/2015).

Other Building Codes

The Wisconsin Electrical Code § SPS 316 (Based on the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, 2011 edition). Racine, Wi. Mun. Code § 18-661 (accessed 4/6/2015).

The Wisconsin Plumbing Code Plumbing § SPS 380-387. Racine, Wi. Mun. Code § 18-511 (accessed 4/6/2015).

The International Energy Conservation Code, 2009 edition. Subject to modifications specified in § SPS 363.

The International Mechanical Code, 2009 edition. Subject to modifications specified in § SPS 364. Racine, Wi. Mun. Code § 18-30 (accessed 4/6/2015).

The International Fuel Gas Code, 2009 edition. Subject to modifications specified in § SPS 365.