Settling Multiple Claims with Insufficient Policy Limits

The course “Settling Multiple Claims with Insufficient Policy Limits” is designed to explore approaches to handling multiple claim/insufficient limits cases. The module is presented by William K. McVisk, a shareholder […]

Intentional Versus Negligent Conduct For Casualty Adjusters

The course “Intentional Versus Negligent Conduct for Casualty Adjusters” is designed to enhance the student’s knowledge, understanding, and professional competence in the legal and claims handling aspects of situations that […]

Settlement of Conflicts

The course “Settlement of Conflicts” is designed to enhance the student’s knowledge, understanding, and professional competence in settling claims. This module is presented by Michael W. Johnston, the founding partner […]

Claims Correspondence: Essential Elements

Your writing skills reflect your professionalism and ultimately your credibility, so this online course presented by Todd Breton of Liberty Mutual and Martha Brown of Central Insurance will help you […]

Personal Auto Policy: The Fundamentals

The course “Personal Auto Policy: The Fundamentals” is designed to familiarize adjusters with a general overview of the personal auto policy, including liability coverage, medical payments coverage, uninsured and underinsured […]

Defending Large Casualty Claims

The course, “Defending Large Casualty Claims” is designed to help adjusters and legal practitioners identify key issues at the outset of a severity case, create strategies to mitigate risk exposure, […]