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The course, “Mortgage Issues with Property Claims” is designed to enhance the knowledge, understanding, and professional competence of the adjusters and litigators on common issues faced when interpreting mortgage clauses.

The course is designed to familiarize attendees with the challenges involved when dealing with a mortgagee. The module is presented by Tonda Lee, an attorney with SmithAmundsen LLC, and David Brown, a Senior Property Claims Specialist for Central Mutual Insurance Company.

Tonda and David begin by discussing the two main types of mortgage clauses and explaining why we are focusing on the Standard (Union) Mortgage Clause. Next, Tonda reviews and summarizes the five main sections of the standard union mortgage clause. She then discusses the four main rights and the five main duties of mortgagees under the Standard (Union) Mortgage Clause. She describes three basic legal premises all adjusters should know about the standard union mortgage clause. Next, they provide an overview of who is a mortgagee and what are a mortgagee’s rights and responsibilities under the policy. Tonda then covers claim adjustment challenges and current legal trends in foreclosure, vacancy, and mortgage fraud situations. Finally, they outline claims points and legal points to remember when faced with such claims.

After completing the course, the attendee should be able to identify the rights and responsibilities that mortgagees bear with property coverage; evaluate claim adjustment challenges involving mortgage flipping, vacancy, and foreclosure; discuss current legal trends involving the interpretation and application of mortgage clauses; and develop effective resolution strategies for claims involving these issues.

The course is designed for practitioners and insurance professionals working in the area of property insurance coverage and litigation.

What CE Credit is available?

Note: To qualify for credit, you must submit completion (including a passed final exam if required) within five days of completing the last quiz. No partial credits will be awarded.

Adjuster General CE Hours:
Adjuster Ethics CE Hours:
Attorney General CLE Hours:
State's Course ID:
NH 2.0 470064
TX (classroom equivalent) 1.5 106282
NC 2.0 C09081
FL * ( Provider Number: 364169 ) 2.0 1189239
IL 2.0 528125
WY 2.0 26233
OK 2.0 1027317

* This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit.

Course Content

Lesson Content

1) Introduction to the topic
2) Course Details
a) Course Objectives
b) Course Materials
c) Order of Presentation
3) Two main types of clauses
a) Loss Payable clause
b) Standard (Union) Mortgage Clause
4) Difference between the two clauses
5) Step one in resolving a potential mortgagee claim
6) A basic primer: What should you know?
a) Five purposes of a Standard (Union) Mortgage Clause
b) Four main rights of mortgagees under the Standard (Union) Mortgage Clause
7) Recap

Lesson Content

1) A basic primer (continued): Three basic legal premises
a) Independent contract
b) When is it triggered?
c) Level of coverage
2) Practical Claims Pointers
3) Who is a mortgagee?
a) Insuring agreement
b) Non-named/misnamed mortgagees
i) Equitable liens
(1) American General Fire & Cas. Co. v. Reese, 853 F.2d 370 (1988)
(2) First National Bank v. Independent Fire Ins. Co., 934 F.2d 73 (1991)
ii) Practical Claims Pointers
4) Recap

Lesson Content

1) Assignments
2) Next steps after confirming who is the mortgagee
3) Denial of mortgagor’s claim
a) Basis for denial
b) Claims scenario
4) Mortgagee’s duties
a) Mortgagee not entitled to greater coverage than mortgagor
b) Five main duties of a mortgagee
c) Other general duties of a mortgagee
d) Notification requirements
i) Change in ownership
ii) Change in occupancy
iii) Change in risk
5) Recap

Lesson Content

1) Three key things to know
a) What is foreclosure?
b) Three main types of foreclosure
i) Judicial foreclosure
ii) Non-judicial foreclosure
iii) Strict foreclosure
c) Terms to know
i) Right of redemption
ii) Deficiency judgment
2) Judicial foreclosure process – simplified
3) Insurable interest
4) Recap

Lesson Content

1) Insurable interest
a) Claims scenario
b) Effects of Foreclosure on mortgagee’s rights and duties
i) If foreclosure action initiated
ii) If loss occurs before the foreclosure sale
iii) If loss occurs after the foreclosure sale
2) Practical Claims Pointers
3) Vacancy
4) Claims scenario
5) Recap

Lesson Content

1) Mortgage Fraud/Flipping
2) The Case of the Bankrupt Chicken Farmer
3) Closing Points/Remarks
a) Claims points to remember
b) Legal points to remember
4) Recap

Submit within 5 days to get CE Credit or Certificate of Completion.