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The course, “Dram Shop and Social Host Liability” is designed to enhance the student’s knowledge, understanding, and professional competence in the investigation, evaluation, and resolution of dram shop and social host claims. The module is presented by Jeffrey S. Pavlovich, a partner with the law firm of Leahy, Eisenberg & Fraenkel, and James Ogle of The Cincinnati Insurance Company.

Mr. Pavlovich begins by emphasizing the importance of dram shop and social host claims due to the frequently high verdict values brought about by their emotionally charged nature. He explains how to effectively minimize indemnity payments using a variety of defenses and other laws created to restrict these types of claims. Mr. Ogle outlines good practices for the investigation of dram shop and social host claims and stresses the need for a prompt investigation. Finally, Mr. Ogle summarizes the major coverage issues in liquor liability.

After completing the course, the attendee should be able to…

define dram shop liability and social host liability; identify the elements and defenses of each type of claim; list the most common ways to minimize indemnity payments; recognize a situation when caps on damages will limit a dram shop claim; recognize a situation when the statute of limitations, condition precedent, or failure to comply with notice requirements will bar a dram shop claim; indentify the proper party plaintiffs and proper party defendants; correctly apply the law in social host claims for adult/minor, adult/adult, and minor/minor situations; conduct an effective investigation into a dram shop or social host claim; identify the essential tasks in investigation that need to be performed as soon as practicable; and distinguish types of liquor-related claims that are generally covered and those that are not.

The course is designed for practitioners and insurance professionals working in the area of third-party casualty insurance coverage and litigation.

What CE Credit is available?

Note: To qualify for credit, you must submit completion (including a passed final exam if required) within five days of completing the last quiz. No partial credits will be awarded.

Adjuster General CE Hours:
Adjuster Ethics CE Hours:
Attorney General CLE Hours:
State's Course ID:
NH 2.0 482674
TX (classroom equivalent) 2.0 94870
NC 2.0 C96736
FL * ( Provider Number: 364169 ) 2.0 1201997
IL 2.0 528124
WY 2.0 26376
OK 2.0 1024834

* This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit.

Course Content

Lesson Content

1) Introduction
2) Reasons topic is important
3) Jurisdiction’s statutes
4) Ways to limit indemnity payments
a) Caps on damages
b) Statute of limitations / condition precedent
c) Notice provisions
d) Proper parties
e) Types of damages recoverable
f) Venue
5) Societal losses from drunk driving crashes
a) MADD statistics on alcohol-related incidents
b) Development of the law
6) Recap
7) Quiz – Reinforcing Part I Materials
a) 5 multiple choice questions
b) 4 choices per question
c) A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz

Lesson Content

1) Introduction to dram shop liability
2) Common fact scenarios
a) Drunk driver
b) Bar fight
3) Liability across jurisdictions
4) Potentially recoverable damages
a) Property damages and/or medical bills
b) Loss of support/society
c) Personal injury
5) Caps on damages: example problem
6) Proper party plaintiffs
a) Inebriant
b) Loss of society for inebriant’s family
7) Proper party defendants
a) Dram shops
b) Social host
c) Commercial seller
d) Hotel’s renter
e) Inebriant
f) Property owner
8) Causation in dram shop cases
9) Quiz – Reinforcing Part 2 Materials
a) 5 multiple choice questions
b) 4 choices per question
c) A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz

Lesson Content

1) Provocation
a) Example problem
b) What amounts to provocation
2) Complicity
a) Example problem
b) Relation to assumption of risk
3) De minimis amount of alcohol
4) Statute of limitations
a) Example problem
b) Notice provisions
c) Condition precedent
d) Covenant of good faith and fair dealing
5) Venue
a) Example problem
b) In-state dram, out-of-state accident
c) Out-of-state dram, in-state accident
6) Quiz – Reinforcing Part 3 Materials
a) 5 multiple choice questions
b) 4 choices per question
c) A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz

Lesson Content

1) Basic investigative goals
a) Was the inebriant served
b) Was a minor involved
2) Prompt investigation is key
a) High turnover of wait staff
b) Other witnesses
c) Memories fade
3) Security tapes
a) Kept for 30 days
b) Direct evidence of the incident in question
4) UIM carrier often involved
5) Credit card records
a) Other drams/Liquor stores
b) Direct evidence of the incident in question
6) Social networking sites
7) Medical records
8) Property owner for source of contribution
9) Quiz – Reinforcing Part 4 Materials
a) 5 multiple choice questions
b) 4 choices per question
c) A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz

Lesson Content

1) Common fact scenarios
a) Drunk driving after house party
b) House fight
2) Social host categories of liability
a) Adult serves minor
b) Adult serves adult
c) Minor serves minor
3) High degree of exposure with social host
a) No caps on damages
b) No restricted statute of limitations
c) No notice provisions
d) Emotionally charged verdicts
4) Major issues for claims professionals
a) Does the jurisdiction recognize social host liability?
b) Which category of liability (adult/minor?)
c) Is there a statute?
d) All potential sources of contribution
e) Defenses
5) Quiz – Reinforcing Part 5 Materials
a) 5 multiple choice questions
b) 4 choices per question
c) A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz

Lesson Content

1) Value of statements that the inebriant was not obviously drunk
2) Exclusion from standard CGL policy
a) Exclusion C
b) Purchase coverage with endorsement or separate policy
3) Umbrella policies
4) Coverage for punitive damages
5) Product liability claims
a) Covered by CGL
b) Liquor liability form contains exclusion for product liability
6) Wrap-up
a) Know your jurisdiction
b) Investigate quickly
7) Quiz – Reinforcing Part 6 Materials
a) 5 multiple choice questions
b) 4 choices per question
c) A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz

At 87% you qualify for TX/NH credit or a PLRB/CPCU certificate. For the other states offered, you must complete a final exam. Submit within 5 days to get CE Credit or Certificate of Completion.