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The course, “Code Upgrade Coverage and the ADA,” is designed to familiarize adjusters and litigators with the impact of ADA accessibility requirements on restoration projects where code upgrade coverage contributes to the value of a loss. The module is presented by Ann O’Connor, Division Counsel for Chartis Insurance; Thomas M. Contois, Partner at Steptoe & Johnson, LLP; and Gerald Gross, Accessibility Consultant for AON Risk.

This two-hour course begins with a very brief review of code upgrade coverage as found in typical commercial policies. The heart of the program follows.

For the bulk of the course, the instructors discuss the accessibility requirements under the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the triggers to comply with the ADA under the law. The instructors explain the types of properties to which the ADA applies, similarities and distinctions with the Fair Housing Act, and the interplay of the ADA and building codes. Finally, the instructors review and demonstrate how to evaluate real life examples of both accessibility problems and property losses where upgrades were required following a covered loss.

After completing the course, the attendee will be able to explain the triggers for ADA compliance, explain what triggers ADA updates to the path of travel, identify primary function areas as defined by the ADA, describe the essential components of a path of travel, recognize basic requirements for restrooms under the ADA, recognize non-conforming ramps and routes, discuss the accessibility requirements imposed by the Fair Housing Act, describe the interplay between the ADA and building codes, and explain the typical triggers for building codes.

The course is designed for practitioners and insurance professionals working in the area of insurance coverage analysis and litigation. Professionals in the property coverage arena will find this course beneficial.

What CE Credit is available?

Note: To qualify for credit, you must submit completion (including a passed final exam if required) within five days of completing the last quiz. No partial credits will be awarded.

Adjuster General CE Hours:
Adjuster Ethics CE Hours:
Attorney General CLE Hours:
State's Course ID:
NH 2.0 482680
TX (classroom equivalent) 1.0 103274
NC 2.0 C97173
FL * ( Provider Number: 364169 ) 2.0 1191352
IL 2.0 485501
WY 2.0 36204
OK 2.0 1025598

* This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit.

Course Content

Lesson Content

1) Introduction
2) Importance of ADA for Property Claims
3) Resources
a) ADA Websites
b) Fair Housing Act Website
c) IBC Websites
4) ADA as Part of a Municipal Building Code
5) Commercial Coverage Basics
a) Standard Policy Code Upgrade Exclusions
b) Standard Policy Code Upgrade Additional Coverage
c) Standard Policy Upgrade Endorsement
d) Manuscript Policy
e) Coverage issues
i) increased cost to repair damaged areas
ii) costs to upgrade undamaged areas
6) Construction Laws
a) building codes
b) ADA
c) Fair Housing Act
7) ADA Statutes
a) Civil Rights Statute
b) Not a building code
c) Both ADA and Building Code can impose requirements
8) ADA Design Requirement Targets
a) wheelchair
b) deaf
c) other mobility
d) 16.8% of population
9) ADA Design Trigger
a) New Construction
b) Alterations
i) altered area
ii) if primary function area, then path of travel
10) Cost Limits
a) no limit on altered areas
b) exception: technical infeasibility such as load bearing changes
c) up to 20% of alteration cost on path of travel upgrades
11) Recap
12) Quiz – Reinforcing Part 1 Materials
a) 5 multiple choice questions
b) 4 choices per question
c) A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz

Lesson Content

1) Buildings Covered by ADA
a) Commercial
i) operations affecting commerce
ii) most any building
iii) examples
b) State and Local Government
i) operated by for or behalf
ii) examples
2) Buildings Not Covered
a) Religious
i) owned or controlled by religious entities
ii) examples
b) Residential
i) examples
ii) exceptions
3) Fair Housing Act
a) design requirements for accessibility
b) scope
c) age of building and applicability
d) impact of renovation versus new construction
4) ADA New Construction
a) ADAAG effective date
b) new law
c) broadened scope
5) ADAAG Exterior Requirements
a) parking
b) routes
c) entrances
6) Parking
a) number of spaces
b) surface
c) aisles
d) signage
7) Route
a) route defined
b) width
c) slope
d) gaps
e) protruding objects
8) Ramp
a) bumps
b) maximum slope
c) maximum run
d) landings
e) rails
f) edge protection
9) Entrances
a) minimum number
b) location
c) signage
10) Recap
11) Quiz – Reinforcing Part 2 materials
a) 5 multiple choice questions
b) 4 choices per question
c) A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz

Lesson Content

1) ADA Interior Areas
a) Routes
i) width
ii) level
iii) protrusions
b) Doors
i) width
ii) handles
iii) force
c) Toilet Rooms
i) acceptable stalls
ii) alternative stalls
iii) dimensions
d) Specialized Rooms and Spaces
i) assembly areas
ii) dining facilities
iii) hotels and motels
iv) medical facilities
v) courthouses, playgrounds
e) Elevators
i) requirement based on number of stories and size
ii) exceptions to “no elevator” rule
f) State Accessibility Rules
2) Alterations
a) Intro
b) definition
i) renovation
ii) remodeling
iii) rehab
c) Non-alterations
i) normal maintenance
ii) reroofing
iii) painting
iv) asbestos removal
v) mechanical, electrical, plumbing
d) No Trigger Dependence
i) value of project
ii) percentage of building
e) Primary Function Areas
i) examples
ii) examples of things that are not
3) Recap
4) Quiz – Reinforcing Part 3 materials
a) 5 multiple choice questions
b) 4 choices per question
c) A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz

Lesson Content

1) Q&A
a) Office Building and Primary Function Area
i) offices
ii) shops
iii) leasing center in lobby
iv) not entrances
v) not the lobby
b) Relevance of Building Age
i) ADA alterations – age irrelevant
ii) Fair Housing Act – post March 13, 1991
iii) Example Building
c) Federally Assisted Housing
d) Employee Lounge Example
i) ADA applies to lounge
ii) ADA path of travel not triggered
2) Priorities in Path of Travel Budget
3) Building Code v. ADA
a) ADA
i) Federal Civil Rights Law
ii) Not a Building Code
iii) Enforcement
b) International Building Code
i) model code
ii) International Code Counsel
iii) voluntarily adopted by states and local jurisdictions
4) IBC inclusion of ADA
a) Chapter 11 – Accessibility
b) Chapter 34 – Existing Buildings
5) Differences
a) waivers or variances
b) adoption
c) triggers for compliance
d) lost opportunities
6) Recap
7) Quiz – Reinforcing Part 4 materials
a) 5 multiple choice questions
b) 4 choices per question
c) A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz

Lesson Content

1) Q&A Percentage of Accessible Units
a) Fair Housing Rules
i) March 13, 1991
ii) multi-family = 4 or more units
iii) ground floor if no elevator
iv) 100% if elevator
b) IBC Rules
i) three specifications for dwelling units
ii) Type B = Fair Housing Standards
iii) Type A = tougher than Type B
iv) Accessible
v) Type A and B are Adaptable
vi) IBC requires 2% Type A units
c) ADA does not apply to residential
2) Parking Space Example
3) Curb Cut Ramp Examples
4) Cross Sloping Sidewalk
5) Ramps
a) handrail height
b) grade
c) cross slope
d) edge protection
e) landing
f) direction change landing
g) length
h) crossbars
6) Protruding Object Examples
a) open stairs
b) television
c) fixes
7) Toilet Stalls
a) grab bar location
b) grab bar spacing
c) alternate stall
8) Ramp Examples
9) Recap
10) Quiz – Reinforcing Part 5 materials
a) 5 multiple choice questions
b) 4 choices per question
c) A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz

Lesson Content

1) Case Study 1 – Boat Dock
a) Facts
i) boat dock and shop
ii) total loss
b) Code Issues
i) accessible restroom
ii) path of travel down steep slope
iii) connection to floating dock
c) Solutions
i) unisex restroom with holding tank
ii) ramp
iii) code exception for boat ramp
iv) lip
2) Case Study 2 – Dormitory Fire Facts
a) Facts
i) high school dormitory
(1) housing floors 2 and 3
(2) class rooms, auditorium on floor 1,
(3) basement with mechanical and storage
(4) storage (old housing) on floor 4
ii) lightning, fire, smoke, and water damage
iii) pre-loss value $2 million
b) Repairs and Remodeling
i) $350,000 in repairs
ii) $2.5 million total spent in remodeling and upgrades
c) Policy Language
i) Increased cost coverage for damaged property
ii) Increased cost coverage for damaged property
3) Case Study 2 Analysis
a) Does ADA apply to private schools?
b) Does ADA apply to dormitories?
i) effect of auditorium components
ii) is it transient housing like a hotel or residential?
iii) ADAAG expressly mentions “Dormitories”
c) How much does insurer owe beyond $350,000 repair
i) path of travel obligations (20%)
ii) what percentage of $350k went to primary function areas
(1) impact of fourth floor repairs
(a) storage is not a primary function
(b) sleeping rooms are primary functions
(2) impact of roof repairs
(a) re-roofing not an alteration
(b) no impact on path of travel obligation
(3) Other spaces
(a) dormitory/sleeping/living
(b) classroom/auditorium
(c) repaired damaged areas must be ADA complaint
(d) total values go toward 20% calculation
d) What if only fourth floor and roof were damaged?
e) PA Building Code Impact
i) 30% of value threshold – triggers accessible path requirements
ii) 50% of value threshold – triggers 100% building compliance
iii) calculations
4) Recap
5) Quiz – Reinforcing Part 6 materials
a) 5 multiple choice questions
b) 4 choices per question
c) A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz

At 87% you qualify for TX/NH credit or a PLRB/CPCU certificate. For the other states offered, you must complete a final exam. Submit within 5 days to get CE Credit or Certificate of Completion.