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About this Guide

The objective of this guide is to provide insurance adjusters with an overview of the concept of Business Income and Extra Expense as well as several tools to assist and support the handling of these claims.

About the Form

As it is widely used as the coverage form for Business Income and Extra Expense, this guide is centered on CP 00 30 10 12, Business Income (and Extra Expense) Coverage Form, which is the October 2012 edition of the commercial insurance form developed by the Insurance Services Office (ISO) for Business Income and Extra Expense. PLRB provides an annotation of this policy at this link.

About the Author


Randall Wilson holds CPA, CFF, ABV, CFE, CR.FA, and DABFA certifications. After graduating from the University of Wisconsin with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Finance and from Illinois State University with a Master of Arts – Western European Studies, with emphasis in International Business, Randy began what has become a 30 plus year career in forensic accounting.

Randy has a wealth of knowledge and a multitude of industry experience, with expertise in areas such as fraud, economic loss analysis, loss of profits, personal injury and wrongful death, and business valuation. He has authored and participated in several seminar presentations regarding forensic accounting, fidelity, fraud, insurance claims analysis, lost profits, and measurement of damages to members of the insurance industry, legal profession, and corporate groups. He has also written articles that were published in both national and international publications. He has testified on numerous occasions in Federal and State court as an expert witness.

Mr. Wilson is a founding member of the faculty for the master’s program in Forensic Accounting at Webster University in St. Louis. As an adjunct professor in the program since it began in 2012, Randy has been teaching the course entitled “Special Topics in Litigation Accounting.” In addition, he and Keith Seiffert taught Intermediate Accounting II as substitute professors in 2013 at Webster University.


Phone: 314-909-3148