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The Depositions course is designed to familiarize adjusters and litigators with important aspects of preparing to give depositions. The module is presented by attorneys David Groth and Jim Tarman from the international law firm Cozen O’Connor. Commentary is provided by Don Elliot, a claims manager from an insurance carrier.

No aspect of modern civil litigation is more important to the outcome of a case than oral deposition. Whether a witness makes a good impression or poor impression very much depends upon the quality of the preparation. Preparation requires a strong effort by counsel and the witness. The Depositions course details the preparation process that a witness and his or her attorney should go through to properly prepare the witness to give a quality deposition.

After completing the course, the attendee will be able to explain or describe how long a witness should plan to prepare for their deposition; which documents the witness should bring to a depositions; which documents a witness should review; which things a witness shouldn’t bring; how a witness should dress; what the lawyer’s role is in the preparation process; what the lawyer’s role is during the actual deposition; how a good witness and her lawyer should respond to a hostile lawyer; qualities in a witness that convey truthfulness; qualities in a witness that connote dishonesty; and the importance of truthfulness along with a host of other helpful tips.

The course is designed for practitioners and insurance professionals working in the area of insurance coverage disputes and litigation.

What CE Credit is available?

Note: To qualify for credit, you must submit completion (including a passed final exam if required) within five days of completing the last quiz. No partial credits will be awarded.

Adjuster General CE Hours:
Adjuster Ethics CE Hours:
Attorney General CLE Hours:
State's Course ID:
NH 2.0 466130
TX (classroom equivalent) 2.0 97983
NC 2.0 C79744
FL * ( Provider Number: 364169 ) 2.0 1184001
IL 2.0 485513
WY 2.0 26232
OK 2.0 1026992

* This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit.

Course Content

Lesson Content

1) Purpose of Depositions
a) Personalize the corporation
b) Set expectorations for the case
c) Gather facts
d) Uses
i) Trial
(1) cross examination
(2) preparation/roadmap
ii) Used for motions
(1) Motion to dismiss
(2) Summary judgment
2) Importance of Preparation
3) Fundamentals
a) Definition
b) Setting for depositions
c) Role within pretrial discovery
d) Likely insurer deponents
e) The notice of deposition
f) Documents Requested for Deposition’
g) Scope and Focus
i) Deposition
ii) Preparation
h) Rule 30(b)(6) deponents
4) Recap
5) Quiz – Reinforcing Part 1 Materials
a) 5 multiple choice questions
b) 4 choices per question
c) A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz

Lesson Content

1) Mental Preparation
a) Prepare with and without your lawyer
b) Document Review
i) Refresh your recollection
ii) File
iii) Claims procedures
iv) Other relevant internal documents
c) Litigation Review
i) Complaint/other relevant pleadings
ii) Depositions
iii) interrogatories
d) Consultation with your Lawyer
e) Review good facts
f) Review bad facts
g) Discuss facts only you know
h) Rehearse
i) Discuss inconsistencies/potential surprises
2) Preparation Time
a) Rule of thumb – double estimated deposition length
b) Proactively communicate needs to your supervisor
3) What to expect from your lawyer
a) Clear overview of the case
b) Theme of the case
c) Explanation of how your testimony fits into the theory
d) Him/her to make time to help you adequately prepare
e) Advise you about demeanor of opposing counsel
4) Physical/Practical Issues
a) Medical/physical limitations or restrictions
b) Length of Deposition
c) Scope of questions
d) The hostile attorney and your demeanor
5) Quiz – Reinforcing Part 2 materials
a) 5 multiple choice questions
b) 4 choices per question
c) A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz

Lesson Content

1) Background Questions
a) Home address
b) Professional experience
c) education
d) criminal conduct
2) Compensation Structure
a) Defined
b) Signs
3) Special Masters
4) Correcting Mistakes
a) Review your transcript
b) errata sheets
c) Typos/mistakes
d) Extensive changes
5) Scheduling Your Deposition
6) Things you Shouldn’t Review
7) Scope of Testimony
a) Limit to your conduct
b) Limit to your knowledge
c) No guessing
i) I think . .
ii) I believe . .
iii) I assume . .
8) What to bring
9) Question: Did you prepare?
10) Quiz – Reinforcing Part 3 materials
a) 5 multiple choice questions
b) 4 choices per question
c) A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz

Lesson Content

1) Preparation Tips – Continued
a) Parties’ changes in strategies
b) Practice/Mock Deposition
c) Protecting the witness
d) First question re: key issue
e) Off the record remarks
f) “Best friend” type attorney
g) Rehabilitation questions
2) The Deposition
a) Common Answers
i) I don’t know
ii) I don’t recall
iii) I don’t remember
b) Be truthful
c) Don’t pass the buck
d) Demeanor
3) What attorneys Expect
a) Advanced preparation
b) Prepared questions for the lawyer
c) Bring relevant documents
4) What is a good witness
a) Likeability
b) Credibility Factors
i) Nervous appearance/fidgety
ii) Eye contact
iii) Body language
iv) Drinking too much water
v) Looking at your lawyer
vi) Nit picking words
vii) Evasiveness
viii) Incomplete sentences
5) Quiz – Reinforcing Part 4 materials
a) 5 multiple choice questions
b) 4 choices per question
c) A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz

Lesson Content

1) Fatigue/Confusion
a) Breaks
b) Objectionable Questions
c) Assumption of understanding
2) Enhancing Credibility
a) Calm-assertive
b) Maintain eye contact
c) Politeness
d) Even tempered
3) Objections
a) Repetitive questions
b) Ignore the interruption
c) Answer over objection
d) Speaking objections
e) Opinion questions
4) Refer to Documents
5) Bad Facts
a) Tell your lawyer
b) Illustrations/Examples
6) Quiz – Reinforcing Part 5 materials
a) 5 multiple choice questions
b) 4 choices per question
c) A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz

Wrap Up
Lesson Content

1) Unaccounted for Documents
a) What to do?
b) Destruction
c) Records Retention Policies
2) Do’s and Don’ts
a) Be courteous
b) Off the record Remarks
c) Examples
d) Be positive
e) What to wear
f) Passing Notes
g) Falling for the “nice attorney”
h) Self-importance
i) Insured at the deposition
3) Quick Tips
a) You don’t get out of trial
b) Pause and Think
c) Don’t guess the meaning of a question
d) Don’t fill the silence
e) It’s O.K. if you don’t remember
f) It’s not O.K. if you don’t remember your own name
4) Quiz – Reinforcing Part 6materials
a) 5 multiple choice questions
b) 4 choices per question
c) A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz

At 87% you qualify for TX/NH credit or a PLRB/CPCU certificate. For the other states offered, you must complete a final exam. Submit within 5 days to get CE Credit or Certificate of Completion.