Hart, Michigan Building Codes

Updated : 04/22/2024


Helpful resources for Hart, Michigan include the following.

Residential Building Code

Michigan adopted a statewide mandatory residential code that will control. Authority for local amendments will be limited.See PLRB, Michigan Building Codes for more information on state level codes.

Hart adopted a code that is yet to be identified .Please contact PLRB if you would like us to research this for you.

Auto Search - beta:

2015 Michigan Residential Code (2015 IRC)(Hart, MI 1426.05 DANGEROUS BUILDINGS DEFINED.)

...(b) A portion of the building or structure is damaged by fire, wind, flood or other cause so that the structural strength or stability of the building or structure is appreciably less than it was before the occurrence of the causal event and does not meet the minimum requirements of the State Building Code for a new building or structure, purpose or location....

Drip Edge

Drip Edge: Undetermined

Ice Barrier

Commercial Building Code

Hart adopted a code that is yet to be identified .Please contact PLRB if you would like us to research this for you.

Auto Search - beta:

2015 Michigan Building Code (2015 IBC)(Hart, MI Municipal Code)

...Adoption not found...