La Crosse, Wisconsin Building Codes

Updated : 04/22/2024


The city of La Crosse, Wi. adopted the Uniform Dwelling Code, SPS chs. 320–325. La Crosse, Wi. Muni. Code § 103-63 (accessed 4/1/2015). The city also expressly adopted the Wisconsin Commercial Building Code, SPS chs. 361–366. La Crosse, Wi. Muni. Code § 103-33 (accessed 4/1/2015).


Chapter 18 – Fire Prevention and Protection – covers the fire code of Lacrosse, Wi. The city enforces the statewide fire code (NFPA 1, Fire Code, 2012 edition) with some amendments. La Crosse, Wi. Muni. Code § 18-64 (accessed 4/1/2015).

Helpful resources for La Crosse, Wisconsin include the following.

Residential Building Code

Wisconsin adopted a statewide mandatory residential code that will control. Authority for local amendments will be limited.See PLRB, Wisconsin Building Codes for more information on state level codes.

La Crosse adopted the Wisconsin Uniform Residential CodeYou can find a copy of the code here.You can find information about amendments to the model code here.

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Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code(La Crosse, WI Sec. 103-63. - State Code adopted.)

...The administrative code provisions describing and defining regulations with respect to one- and two-family dwellings in Wis. Admin. Code chs. SPS 320—325 and 327 are hereby adopted and by reference made a part of this chapter as if fully set forth herein. Any act required to be performed or prohibited by an Administrative...

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The city of La Crosse, Wi. adopted the Uniform Dwelling Code, SPS chs. 320–325. La Crosse, Wi. Muni. Code § 103-63 (accessed 4/1/2015).


Division 2. – Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code – this section describes the application of the UDC to the local jurisdiction.

Existing Buildings

Existing buildings, meaning buildings that were built in accordance to code at the time of construction, typically merit extra consideration in a current updated code.

Sec. 103-64. – Application to existing buildings. – this section describes the application of the UDC to existing buildings. There is no mention in the code of any extension of the UDC to pre-1980 buildings. 


The UCD applies in the following instances:

  • An existing building to be occupied as a one- or two-family dwelling, which building was not previously so occupied.
  • An existing structure that is altered or repaired, when the cost of such alteration or repair during the life of the structure exceeds 50 percent of the equalized value of the structure, said value to be determined by the City Assessor.
  • Additions and alterations, regardless of cost, made to an existing building when deemed necessary in the opinion of the Director of Planning and Development shall comply with the requirements of this chapter for new buildings.
  • Roof coverings. Whenever more than 25 percent of the roof covering of a building is replaced in any 12-month period, all roof coverings shall be in conformity with applicable sections of this chapter.
  • Additions and alterations. Any addition or alteration, regardless of cost, to a building shall be made in conformity with applicable sections of this chapter.

La Crosse, Wi. Muni. Code § 103-64 (existing buildings) (accessed 4/2/2015).


Article VI. – Housing and Property Maintenance – This article is adopted for the purpose of preserving and promoting the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare of the people of the City and environs. This includes, among others, physical, aesthetic, spiritual and monetary values. a Crosse, Wi. Muni. Code § 103-270 (intent and purpose) (accessed 4/2/2015).

Commercial Building Code

La Crosse adopted the 1996 BOCA National Building CodeYou can find a copy of the code here.You can find information about amendments to the model code here.

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Wisconsin Commercial Bldg. Code (2015 IBC)(La Crosse, WI Municipal Code)

...Adoption not found...


The city of La Crosse, Wi. expressly adopted the Wisconsin Commercial Building Code, SPS chs. 361–366. La Crosse, Wi. Muni. Code § 103-33 (accessed 4/1/2015).


Chapter 18 – Fire Prevention and Protection – covers the fire code of Lacrosse, Wi. The city enforces the statewide fire code (NFPA 1, Fire Code, 2012 edition) with some amendments. La Crosse, Wi. Muni. Code § 18-64 (accessed 4/1/2015).

The city of La Crosse, Wi. provides certain grandfathered ordinances (variances to the CBC). An ordinance that is grandfathered has passed the requirements laid out by the Legislature in Wisconsin Statute §101.02(7r)(b). The grandfathered ordinances are listed below:




(C) APPLICATION OF NEW AND EXISTING CONDITIONS. The provisions of this Code shall apply equally to new and existing conditions except that existing conditions not in strict compliance with the terms of this Code shall be permitted to continue where the exceptions do not constitute a distinct hazard to adjoining property.


(2) The provisions of NFPA 1, Fire Code, 2012 Edition, and the referenced publications of Chapter 2 of NFPA 1, 2012 Edition, contained in the National Fire Protection Association Fire Code and all amendments thereto are hereby adopted by reference and the rules and regulations contained therein are hereby made a part of this ordinance as though they were fully set forth herein with the following amendments:

(a) NFPA 1:1.10 shall not be included as part of this adoption;

(b) NFPA 1:1.12.8 substitute permits required by Municipal Code;

(c) NFPA 1:3.3.127 shall be substituted by the State of Wisconsin definition of fireworks as stated in § 167.01(1);

(d) NFPA 1:3.3127.1 shall be substituted by the State of Wisconsin §167.10

(e) NFPA 1: shall be substituted by the State of Wisconsin §127.10;

(f) NFPA 1: Chapter 6 shall be substituted by the International Building Code 2009 edition Chapter 3 “Use and Occupancy Classification.”

(g) NFPA 1:10.11.4 shall be substituted by Municipal Code 7.01(D);

(h) NFPA 1:10.16 addition of Municipal Code 8.01(K)(5)(d)ix) and 8.01(K)(5)(d)(v).

(i) NFPA 1:11.3.6 through shall not be included as part of this adoption;

(j) NFPA 1: shall not be included as part of this adoption

(k) NFPA 1: through shall not be included in this adoption.

(l) NFPA 1: shall be replaced with Wisconsin SPF 328.04; and

(m) NFPA 1:20.11 through 20.11.5 shall not be included in this adoption.





(2) Automatic Dialing Devices. No person shall interconnect any automatic dialing device to 9-1-1 LEDC. Such devices may be interconnected to a modified Central Station or Remote Station or an Answering Service.

(4) The provision of the National Fire Protection Association Fire Codes 1983, Volume 7 – Pamphlets 71 through 72E and all amendments thereto are hereby adopted by reference and the Rules and Regulations contained therein are made a part of this ordinance as though they were fully set forth herein. A current copy of the National Fire Protection Code containing the sections herein enumerated and all amendments hereto, shall be kept of file in the office of the Fire Chief.


The provisions of this Ordinance are not applicable to fire, heat, smoke and water flow alarms such as residential alarms and proprietary alarms which do not emit a visual or audible signal, directly or indirectly, beyond the interior of the building in which they are installed. The provisions of this ordinance are not applicable to authorized connections under Subsection (D)(4) herein.

(PDF version here)

Existing Buildings

The 2009 IEBC is made part of the Commercial Building Code, subject to the modifications specified in the Wis. Adm. Code § SPS 366.

Other Building Codes

The Wisconsin Electrical Code § SPS 316 (Based on the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, 2011 edition). La Crosse, Wi. Muni. Code § 103-141 (electrical code) (accessed 4/2/2015).

The Wisconsin Plumbing Code Plumbing § SPS 380-387. La Crosse, Wi. Muni. Code § 103-228 (plumbing code) (accessed 4/2/2015).

The International Energy Conservation Code, 2009 edition. Subject to modifications specified in § SPS 363.

The International Mechanical Code, 2009 edition. Subject to modifications specified in § SPS 364.

The International Fuel Gas Code, 2009 edition. Subject to modifications specified in § SPS 365.