Wauwatosa, Wisconsin Building Codes

Updated : 04/22/2024


"The administrative code of the state of Wisconsin, Chapter 20 through 25 — Uniform Dwelling Code, is adopted." Wauwatosa Municpal Code, Chapter 15, Sec. 15.04.040 Uniform Dwelling Code (accessed 4/25/2014).  The code broadens the scope of the residential code beyond new construction, additions and alterations for buildings constructed after 1980; "scope of this chapter shall include all buildings or structures constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, moved, demolished or converted." Id. at Sec. 15.04.010.


Likewise, for commercial properties, "[t]he administrative code of the state of Wisconsin, Chapters COMM 60 through 66—Wisconsin Commercial Building Code and COMM 75 through 79—Buildings Constructed Prior to 1914 are adopted and all amendments thereto are adopted and incorporated by reference except as herein modified."  Wauwatosa Municpal Code, Chapter 15, Sec. 15.03.040 Uniform Dwelling Code (accessed 4/25/2014).

Helpful resources for Wauwatosa, Wisconsin include the following.

Residential Building Code

Wisconsin adopted a statewide mandatory residential code that will control. Authority for local amendments will be limited.See PLRB, Wisconsin Building Codes for more information on state level codes.

Wauwatosa adopted the Wisconsin Uniform Residential CodeYou can find a copy of the code here.You can find information about amendments to the model code here.

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Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code(Wauwatosa, WI 15.04.040 - Uniform Dwelling Code.)

...A. Adopted by Reference. The Administrative Code of the State of Wisconsin, SPS 320 through 325—Uniform Dwelling Code, is adopted and all amendments thereto are adopted and incorporated in this code by reference except as herein modified. B....

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"The administrative code of the state of Wisconsin, Chapter 20 through 25 — Uniform Dwelling Code, is adopted." Wauwatosa Municpal Code, Chapter 15, Sec. 15.04.040 Uniform Dwelling Code (accessed 4/25/2014). 

Existing Buildings

Existing buildings, meaning buildings that were built in accordance to code at the time of construction, typically merit extra consideration in a current updated code.

The code broadens the scope of the residential code beyond new construction, additions and alterations for buildings constructed after 1980.  The "scope of this chapter shall include all buildings or structures constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, moved, demolished or converted."Wauwatosa Municpal Code, Chapter 15, Sec. 15.04.010 Uniform Dwelling Code   (accessed 4/25/2014). 

Commercial Building Code

Wauwatosa adopted a code that is yet to be identified .Please contact PLRB if you would like us to research this for you.You can find information about amendments to the model code here.

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Wisconsin Commercial Bldg. Code (2015 IBC)(Wauwatosa, WI Municipal Code)

...Adoption not found...


"The administrative code of the state of Wisconsin, Chapters COMM 60 through 66—Wisconsin Commercial Building Code and COMM 75 through 79—Buildings Constructed Prior to 1914 are adopted and all amendments thereto are adopted and incorporated by reference except as herein modified."  Wauwatosa Municpal Code, Chapter 15, Sec. 15.03.040 Uniform Dwelling Code (accessed 4/25/2014).

Wisconsin adopted the 2009 IBC.  It applies to "code applies to all public buildings and places of employment" with certain exception.  See Wis. Admin. Code § 361.02. The Code defines "public buildings" and "places of employment." Id.


Additional requirements and amendments can be found in Wis. Admin. Code § 362.


The highest authority is reserved by the state. See Wis. Admin. Code § 361.03. However, local jurisdictions may adopt stricter standard that are not in conflict. Id.  Furthermore, local jurisdiction, including counties, may take on inspection and review responsibilities.  See Wis. Admin. Code § 361.60




Existing Buildings

Wisconsin adopted the2009 IEBC, subject to the modifications specified in chapter SPS 366.  Wauwatosa likewise adopted the code by reference. Wauwatosa Municpal Code, Chapter 15, Sec. 15.03.040 Uniform Dwelling Code (accessed 4/25/2014).

Other Building Codes

The International Mechanical Code. Wauwatosa Municpal Code, Chapter 15, Sec. 15.03.040 Uniform Dwelling Code (accessed 4/25/2014).

The International Energy Conservation Code. Id.

The International Fuel Gas Code. Id.

The International Existing Building Code. Id.

The Wisconsin Plumbing Code. Wauwatosa Municpal Code, Chapter 15, Sec. 15.04.060 Uniform Dwelling Code (accessed 4/25/2014).

The Wisconsin Electrical Code.  Wauwatosa Municpal Code, Chapter 15, Sec. 15.04.050 Uniform Dwelling Code (accessed 4/25/2014).