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Fayetteville, Arkansas Building Codes

Updated : 04/22/2024


The City of Fayetteville uses amendments to the Volumes I, II and III of the AFPC. See the City's Documents

Helpful resources for Fayetteville, Arkansas include the following.

Residential Building Code

Arkansas adopted a statewide mandatory residential code that will control; however, local governments are free to make laws more strict (with some limitations).See PLRB, Arkansas Building Codes for more information on state level codes.

Fayetteville adopted the 2006 IRC, locally. Note that adoptions usually come with amendments. So, it is important to review those amendments in addition to the unamended model code.

You can find a copy of the model code here.

You can find information about amendments to the model code here.

Auto Search - beta:

2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. III (2021 IRC)(Fayetteville, AR 173.02 - Fire Prevention Code/Building Code)

...Amendments, Additions, and Deletions to the Fire Prevention Code. The Fire Prevention Code shall be amended as follows: Sprinklers. In addition to the requirements of the Fire Prevention Code and the Building Code, any new building or alteration, addition or change of occupancy...

Drip Edge

Drip Edge: No

Ice Barrier


The City deleted Appendices A through Q in their entirety.

Commercial Building Code

Fayetteville adopted the 1996 BOCA National Building CodeYou can find a copy of the code here.You can find information about amendments to the model code here.

Auto Search - beta:

2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code, Vol. II (2021 IBC)(Fayetteville, AR 173.02 - Fire Prevention Code/Building Code)

...Amendments, Additions, and Deletions to the Fire Prevention Code. The Fire Prevention Code shall be amended as follows: Sprinklers. In addition to the requirements of the Fire Prevention Code and the Building Code, any new building or alteration, addition or change of occupancy...


The City adopted Appendix E and amended Appendix L.

Existing Buildings

Refer to the amended Chapter 34 of the adopted 2006 IBC. The City allows the use of the 2006 IEBC and its Appendix A for existing commercial buildings. 

Other Building Codes

The City uses the codes referenced in Volumes I, II and III of the AFPC, as amended. The City also has amendments to Volume III of AFPC. See Changes to Volume I Fire Code